Nowhere to Go, but Home.
HIGHER PURPOSE: Realizing Your Potential and Self Actualization
** In order to keep a pristine and clear channel and be of the Highest Service, limited clients are taken per year. If booking links are available below, we have (limited) session openings available. If there are no booking links, we are currently full and on waitlist.
This time is spent in devotion of women that identify as Leaders. You move through the human experience as a creative visionary… or wish you did. You’re here to get real about leading, guiding, and IMPACT, beginning with Yourself.
“The lamps are different, but the Light is the same. One matter, one energy, one Light, one Light-mind, endlessly emanating all things." ~RUMI
Certified as an Akashic Records Reader since 2018, this work is offered for the collective and Leaders who understand the important role they’re here to play. You are an important key. In fact, you are The Key.
People manifest and **e x p a n d** into tangible results very quickly and easily with this guidance. Why?
I’ve seen it all at this point, from the darkest corners of people’s psyches to the furthest reaches of untapped potential in the universe.
This is working with lightning rods of desire into your highest possible soul self worth and service to self and others.
Your physical, mental, emotional, light and all auric fields will be called to shift at the speed of light - across all levels of your consciousness and beyond.
Readiness to step up and IN is the prerequisite for booking.
It is incredibly liberating to see women working with their own rays of Truth and expanding:
++ the circulation of money and resources in their life at greater magnitude and order
++ relationship uplevels of all kinds; personal, soulmate, contractual, business, familial, friendships
++ greater respect for their body, their relationship with food, nature, and our planet
++ clarity around their soul’s purpose and the greater mission they’re here to serve
++ aligned strategies for their business, services, contracts, offerings, and legacy
… and seeing radical and awe-inspiring gifts pour into their lives, and those whose lives they’re here to touch, inspire and serve.
Spaces are reserved for Leaders truly prepared to embody their growth AND ready to take aligned action.
You will not continue to choose a life of watching The Game from the bench. You will get on and in the Field. And commit.
Your resonance to work with me as your Reader is your bone deep surrender.
As a Guide I will open a channel and you will have a conversation with your Highest Self in witness of YOUR self-empowerment, self-expansion, self-illumination and self-healing.
jennifer ✨
To help determine if this is an optimal session type for your evolution:
1) If there is resistance to accepting the following examples of beauty and possibility into your life or profession, then with love, please kindly leave these limited sessions available for those fully ready to receive:
++ Significantly increasing the circulation of resources and money, renewed creative and/or business ability or confirmation or expansion of ideas of service, futuristic business models, structures, or information, the partner of your dreams walking alongside you in life, repairing relationships including familial and professional, or (most importantly) being called to step FULLY into your Soul's Purpose... at a higher understanding, energetic responsibility and in personal leadership. We’re turning the frequency way up.
2) When accessing your Records, you are working with a Reader that receives and transmits as an Oracle and a Crystal. This is a very specific transmission type.
++ Directly piercing messages and refractions of light that are intended to elevate the collective through your expansion are what will flow through. This is crystalline transmuting carbon. That means GROWTH. The level of wisdom we will be exposed to is beyond individual egoic understanding. You are a sovereign person who understands how your personal vibration affects the surrounding Universe and fellow peers and cares to elevate to a higher state of Being, in service and in purpose.
:: IMPORTANT: For this reason, sessions are held for a complete oracular “transmission”. It may take 90+ minutes to fully download and transmit, or 30 minutes. You will be worked on at a very deep level and given counsel of the highest light and order. We will not seek to pass the time in false light or small talk chit chat simply to pass ‘time’, as the time construct is the most highly valuable resource and essence in this ‘realm’. When in Truth; transmission is immediate, potent, and FELT. Sessions will be as long or as short as needed.
PS. Please note out of respect for privacy and confidentiality, readings are not provided for immediate friends or family... but referrals are lovingly welcomed. <3
When will my session be?
For single sessions: within 1-3 months of booking. We book 1 quarter in advance and truly try to accommodate session bookings asap where possible. When possible will see you in a matter of days or weeks.
For packages: 1 session a month or every 4-6 weeks approx
You will receive a personal email from Jennifer after booking, to schedule your session.
What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, on all planes and dimensions of consciousness.
The Akashic realm is the highest energetic realm, known as the “Akasha”. This is the origin point of all light, sound, and beyond.
All of space time is ‘sensed’ from here, via attunement. We can ‘read’ information from the time your soul was created, about your past lives, present situations, and future possibilities. It's always revealed what is needed to learn in the moment, at that time, to support you on your journey.
Like all dimensions, it is a ‘dimension’ in space-time that is accessible via deeply attuning the body to its frequency.
Your Records are the perfect place for initiating change from the inside out, as only Truth exists on these planes.
Kindly, these are additional terms we respectfully request awareness of:
- We regret session spaces and bookings are non-refundable due to our high volume as they are claiming of a space another person could have benefited from, and we deny service to our sisters and brothers each time this happens
- All single sessions must be booked within 3 months and packages within 6 months of reservation