Lessons in Luminosity for Light Leaders:
Spiritual Mentorship for the connected Woman of Today
This time is spent in devotion of women that identify as Leaders. You move through the human experience as a creative visionary… or wish you did. You’re here to get real about leading, guiding, and IMPACT, beginning with Yourself.
“don’t you know yet? it is your light that lights the world" ~rumi
Imagine sitting down and writing a letter to a woman you respect and admire in gratitude for how she’s changed your life.
Now imagine receiving it…
In astronomy, luminosity is the total amount of energy emitted per unit of time by a star, galaxy, or other astronomical object. As a term for energy emitted per unit, luminosity is synonymous with power.
It’s wattage.
Quick pulse check, but have you clued in to the fact that you are an astronomical object yet?
The amount of power and light you’re emitting or alignment you’re feeling is in your direct control.
I know, I know, you’re reading this page because you feel more like a dimly lit candle these days than a mega-watt superstar.
I get it and I’ve been there. WAY less than divine. Definitely no feminine remembering in sight. Luminous a word I’d never even heard of, nevermind resonated with.
In your bones you feel that itch, you know the one, that the time has come to delve deep, WAY deep, into your inner workings and adjust some of those light switches. You know it, I know it.
Quite frankly, anything less than your fully expressed self is just boring at this point.
Nothing sounds more worthwhile than investing in your own exploring, learning, upleveling and soul self-care if we’re completely honest. Right?
Now, what would giving yourself permission look like?
Working with me is not cookie cutter. I’m not cookie cutter and my incredible clients most certainly are not. I don’t run programs. You are not a program. The only program is the BS societal, cultural, and gender programming clogging the pores of soulful women everywhere.
There are no curriculums or boxes to fit you in. You are solid and generous and a paradigm shifting beautiful and gentle force of nature here to design your life intentionally. Or at least, you want to be. Or remember having been.
So honestly if I hear “Passion to Profit in 6 Weeks” shouted on Instagram aimed at one of my soul sisters one more time, I may vomit.
Here’s the real honest to goodness truth from a guide that actually cares, has both feet on the ground, seen some shit, and come out the other side:
I don’t have a fucking clue what’s going to happen.
Here’s what I do know: I’ve done this enough times, for enough years, with enough women, to know ‘the work’ works when YOU do. Simple.
It is impossible for the Universe and the created quantum reality around you to ignore you once you decide to stop ignoring yourself.
We align to Be, Do, Have and THEN what happens next is by your design.
When you take a woman that is totally and completely ready to own her transformation, to be at cause for her life, and pair her with a guide that is grounded, authentic and will tell her the truth others may not dare say — with kindness of course — while channeling your Higher Self, of course, things get REAL.
YOU get real.
Like “really” creating your ‘real’ity. Get it yet?
Neuroscience and quantum physics are showing us that our limiting beliefs and human brains can only conceive and compute a tiny fraction of what’s possible.
So throw expectations out the window. Expectation limits possibility. You are bigger than that.
There is one ultimate goal in mind (your luminosity aka your power if you’ve been following along) and we get there by unwrapping the many beautiful layers of you, in confidentiality and with safely compassionate curiosity, to address ROOT causes and re-map the mind, body and spirit.
We want you IN. YOUR. MAGIC.
The entire Universe is directly responding to you in each moment. It’s about your frequency y’all.
So… are you creating or consuming?
Are you leaving it to chance, or choosing?
Greatness requires Choices.
I’m here whole-heartedly and in earnest for those that choose to Be in their Magic.
And in Service.
1:1 Support, Spiritual Mentorship
This is Being You. Fully You. Reclaiming your remembering, stepping into your light, and radiating Light in Leadership.
Working with a Spiritual Teacher and Guide of 10+ Years, please visit the About page to learn more about my professional profile and expertise, we will focus on:
+ Cultivating your spiritual gifts
+ Cultivating health, wellness, deep knowing, being of service, and being fit for service are prioritized
+ You are met where you are at. Whatever issues are presently on the table, bring them. All of them
+ Our essence radiates in bio-energy units and our joint mission is to amp you up
+ Expect to feel: more feminine, more ease, more grace, more clarity, more confidence, more YOU
To preserve the integrity of the work being done, keep energetic focus and full alignment, only a handful of these clients are able to taken on at any one time. As such, there may be a waitlist. Pre-payment is requested based on package length to determine priority of new clients and demonstrate your commitment to yourself and your service, or a deposit at minimum.
Require a payment option or a plan? Please kindly ask - support is always available and we have a special payment link for you.
Not sure of the right package length? Please send us a note. It depends on the level of embodiment required, connection to self, current spiritual practices, and the ability to work towards self mastery in a regulated and safe way for the nervous system. Most individuals being truly honest with themselves require support for a minimum of 1 year when cultivating true deep magic or if intending to hold space for others beyond surface level support.
These are just some helpful tools we may call on in support of your sessions:
+ Life Vision
+ Mission statement
+ Akashic Record healings
+ Akashic Record activation tools
+ Limiting belief reflections
+ Subconscious reprogramming
+ Goal accountability
+ Intention setting
+ Visualization exercises
+ Journalling prompts
+ Morning and evening rituals
+ The Wheel of Life
+ Lunar and Astro planning
+ Meditations and mantras
+ New & full moon guidance
+ Nutritional support
+ Daily Devotional
+ Light Language
+ Personal productivity cycle
+ Human design profile
+ Pleasure practice
+ Oracle card readings